This week’s newsletter was supposed to be about Above the Law co-founder David Lat’s assertion that—I swear this is real and not the dullest parody of lawyer brain imaginable—the world’s wealthiest corporate law firms have bowed to the excesses of cancel culture. But that got a little too unwieldy for a newsletter, so it became its own column, which you can read on Balls & Strikes right now if you’re so inclined—although in retrospect, I could have correctly and coherently answered the question of “Is BigLaw too WOKE?” with a simple “Lol, no,” too.

So, stay tuned until next week, when I am going to write about the most upsetting photo of Clarence Thomas that I’ve ever seen. I hope that this, too, will not accidentally spill into 2000-plus-word territory, but the image is unsettling enough that I cannot guarantee it.

As always, you can find us at, or follow us on Twitter at @ballsstrikes, or get in touch via [email protected]. Thanks for reading.

This Week In Balls & Strikes

The Supreme Court Spouses Cannot Stop Stomping On Ethical Rakes, Yvette Borja
Is Jane Roberts the new most problematic Supreme Court spouse? (No, it’s still Ginni.)

Big Law’s Cancel Culture, and Other Obviously Fake Things That Do Not Exist, Jay Willis
Casting corporate law firms as pillars of the intolerant left works only if you shut your eyes and ignore the things corporate law firms actually do.

Why Are Senate Democrats Still Letting Republicans Veto Biden Judicial Nominees?, Yvette Borja
Ron Johnson strikes again because Dick Durbin lets him.

“Independent” Auditor of Supreme Court Leak Investigation Was Paid a Ton Of Money By Supreme Court, Yvette Borja
Another gaping hole in an investigation that was already riddled with them.

This Week In Other Stuff We Appreciated

The Blue Slip Is the Hot New Senate Tradition That Democrats Should Abolish, Matt Ford, The New Republic
Everyone is talking about it.

How Dobbs Made the Wisconsin Supreme Court Race One Of the Biggest Elections Of 2023, Grace Panetta, The 19th*
Abortion access in the state could come down to two judicial candidates with very different philosophies on choice.

Having More Women On the Federal Courts Is Long Overdue, Michele Goodwin, The Nation
A look at how Biden’s nominations record compares to that of his Republican predecessors (spoiler, it is much better).

The Latest Crusade to Place Religion Over the Rest of Civil Society, Linda Greenhouse, The New York Times
The Court’s conservative activists are preparing another rewrite of the First Amendment.

This Week In Obscure Photos of Supreme Court Justices On Getty Images

Justice Neil Gorsuch shakes hands with Chief Justice John Roberts as his wife Marie Louise Gorsuch arrives on the steps of the Supreme Court, June 15, 2017 (JIM WATSON/AFP via Getty Images)

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